We have taken all of these cautions and have found a way to provide quotes to the public — still free of charge — without the need for consumers to give us any of their private information. There is no need to provide a driver’s license number or a social security number to go through this process and get the needed quotes. There is other information that can’t be stolen or used against you that can be provided to receive accurate rate estimates. These can then be reviewed by the consumer and then purchased.
How can we so easily offer these insurance quotes without personal information? It’s quite simple, really. It begins with the residential zip code being typed in. This gives us your location, and we can then contact the carriers in your area and use companies that are applicable to you. There is then a list of questions that must be answered, and they must be answered honestly with accuracy. They are in regards to the person who needs coverage and the car that will be insured. The answers must be honest ones to ensure you are getting an accurate estimation because the answers to this questionnaire will dictate the given quote. If the answers are phony and you decide to purchase the policy, your rates will change when the agent realizes you’ve provided false information, most likely increasing in price.
Your rates revolve around your current circumstances. For instance, when you answer a question about the location of your vehicle at night, you are disclosing whether or not the car is parked safely in a locked facility or is left on the street. It doesn’t take much brain power to realize that the person with the car on the street at night is going to pay more for insurance than the owner of the car locked in the garage. Questions about you personally and your driving history affect your rates too. Someone who shows a pattern of constantly getting tickets or being involved in accidents will pay more for protection than someone without a spotted record.
As tempting as it may be to not answer the questions honestly to try and save a few bucks, don’t do it. You can be charged with insurance fraud, which isn’t something that will go over lightly. There are possibilities for fines in this case, and the carrier will not provide you with coverage. Because insurance fraud has become a popular nuisance that loses carriers’ money, they have really cracked down and have no tolerance for such actions.
Once you have finished answering the questions and have received your quotes, you can review them at your leisure. (It would also be wise to review the companies as well.) When you have chosen one because the price and company are right, you can proceed further by purchasing the policy online. Because you are buying a legitimate auto insurance policy, you will at this point need to give your driver’s license and social security number to make the purchase. The insurer needs this information to know for sure that you aren’t committing any fraudulent activity by claiming to be someone else. If you are nervous to provide this over the Internet, you are welcomed to use the phone number that is given on the quote page and speak to one of our helpful representatives.
There are benefits to getting auto insurance quotes with no personal information from our site. One, you will save time. So much time is wasted by calling each provider individually and asking each representative the same questions. In turn, they’ll all ask you the same questions; questions that are similar to the ones on our site. Even more time is saved if you use our site instead of traveling to the buildings of the individual insurance groups. Between the travel time and the time spent waiting to see a representative and then ask the questions (followed by the questions they would ask you) you could save an entire day’s worth of time by staying home and using the Internet.
Two, you will save money. You will save money on gas because you aren’t traveling; you will save money on cell phone minutes because you’re not calling; and you will save money on paper because you are not needing to take a bunch of notes since we provide the quotes side by side. The biggest way to save money here is by comparing the quotes and choosing the cheapest one.
Three, you can get your quotes without risking your personal information! It’s an obvious benefit, but it’s a reality. You don’t have to worry about your information getting into the wrong hands and instead you can focus on thinking about your savings from the cheaper premium that is being offered. What would you do with your savings?
Tutorial on Buying Auto Insurance Online

Purchasing auto insurance online from a quality carrier is much easier and faster than the old ways of doing it, which involved numerous phone conversations and personally visiting their offices. Once upon a time, consumers were left to repetitiously ask the same questions to each different representative, wasting their own time trying to gather the data they needed to make an informed decision. Now that everyone can get car insurance online, no one should put themselves through the inefficient ways of the past.
If the process of buying auto insurance online now seems unsettling or scary, continue to read through this tutorial to get a better idea of the simplicity of this process as we provide the steps that will be taken as you move forward.
Step 1: The first step is to obtain a free quote from our site, which can begin by entering your zip code on our Home Page. This will help you get quotes from companies that are in your local area. Upon entering in the zip code, a short series of questions will be asked regarding the policyholder or driver, in addition to information about the vehicle that is to be insured. The data that is entered will need to be accurate as this is what the quote will be based off of. Providing false information will result in an inaccurate quote. Also, at this time there is no need to provide any personal information, otherwise known as your driver’s license, social security number, or any other private information that could be stolen and used against you. At no point during this process will anyone be under obligation to purchase a policy, nor will anyone be asked to pay a fee for this process. It is free and there is no limit to how many times a person uses it. Anyone can take advantage of the quote procedure, whether it’s just to casually browse and see what’s out there or for serious buyers.
Step 2: After the questions have been answered, a list of quotes from reputable companies will be made available. Some of these companies include Progressive, Infinity, Bristol West, and GMAC. Take the quotes and compare them side by side to see which company will give you the cheapest quote for the same coverage as the other companies. Think about the coverage that is being offered and decide if it’s enough to provide adequate protection. If not, begin the method again to receive new quotes and continue to review and compare.
Step 3: When you have figured out the best quote to fit your needs, you can purchase insurance online right there on the spot by using one of two methods. The option to click and buy now will be available, as well as a phone number that you can call to purchase the policy. If you choose to purchase over the Internet, a quick application will need to be filled out for approval. Know that you will be making a type of electronic signature on the application, which is the same as signing your name on a contract. This electronic signature is usually in the form of using your mouse to click on a box that says “I Agree” next to contractual statements. Don’t be alarmed as this is similar to initialing on paper contracts or applications, stating that you understand the agreement. Auto insurance is an agreement between a policyholder and a company, stating that the policyholder will pay the company while it provides coverage for the car and policy members.
Within this step, the future policyholder and members will need to provide their personal information that was omitted earlier in the process. This includes a driver’s license number, the VIN number of the vehicle and the license plate number. If you happen to be uncomfortable providing this over the Internet, feel free to use the number that was given with your quotes and call to speak with one of our friendly representatives. Rest assured though that our site is secure and we take your privacy very seriously.
Step 4: Your work is done at this point of the process. You have received and reviewed your quotes, chosen a company and their price, and filled out an application. When the insurer has decided whether or not to provide you with protection, you will be notified. This happens very soon so as to not keep the consumer waiting or try to find it elsewhere. Upon approval, the applicant will then be given the “thumbs up” that they will be insured by their chosen company. In some states, there is a further option to immediately print out a card showing proof of purchase. All others will be required to wait for their proof card until it comes in the mail in a matter of a few business days.
Low Rates: The best way to keep your rates as low as possible is to look for discounts. Every insurance company offers them, but it’s usually up to the policyholder to inquire about the exact types that are offered. Watch for good student discounts for any teen or college drivers, as this can save parents from the high expense of insuring this age group. There are also senior citizen discounts offered, too, which can help stretch out living off of retirement checks. Defensive driving courses, safety features on the vehicle, and low mileage can all add up to major savings in your pocketbook.
Low Rates: The best way to keep your rates as low as possible is to look for discounts. Every insurance company offers them, but it’s usually up to the policyholder to inquire about the exact types that are offered. Watch for good student discounts for any teen or college drivers, as this can save parents from the high expense of insuring this age group. There are also senior citizen discounts offered, too, which can help stretch out living off of retirement checks. Defensive driving courses, safety features on the vehicle, and low mileage can all add up to major savings in your pocketbook.
More Questions?
If you have further questions regarding auto coverage, we invite you to search our site for informative articles that can teach you more about understanding how it works, the terms used (both popular and unpopular terms), and different coverage options. Our FAQ page can also help someone better comprehend how this coverage works.
It’s apparent that by proceeding with our quote service, drivers looking for automobile insurance will save time as they save money. There is no hassle in our service, compared to contacting every insurer individually to see what they can offer.
The 5 W’s of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes

Who Should Compare?
Don’t dismiss the idea that you are included in the group of people that should consider finding a new policy price. Everyone should practice analyzing other companies and matching their offerings to what they are current paying for right now. Even more specifically, new drivers should participate in this process and so should drivers with a spotted driving record. These drivers are paying the most for their coverage, and even if another carrier is offering a slightly cheaper rate, that driver can save money if they find it and switch.
Not only should they compare quotes often, but so should drivers with a clean driving history showing very little to no traffic incidents. They are who insurance companies love to insure because typically they will make the most money off of these drivers. When a driver is constantly paying for coverage but never file a claim, the insurer makes a profit. As such, they don’t mind offering their lowest rates to this group of drivers.
What is the Process?
Not only should they compare quotes often, but so should drivers with a clean driving history showing very little to no traffic incidents. They are who insurance companies love to insure because typically they will make the most money off of these drivers. When a driver is constantly paying for coverage but never file a claim, the insurer makes a profit. As such, they don’t mind offering their lowest rates to this group of drivers.
What is the Process?
The process to weigh quotes against each other begins with, well, a list of quotes. These are simple and easy to obtain from our site. On our Home Page, there is a box asking for a zip code. When a zip code has been entered, a short list of additional questions will follow. All of these questions pertain to the driver and the vehicle that is going to be insured. Honest questions need to be provided if you want the quote to be accurate, since that information is what will determine the final rate. Another bonus is we don’t need your personal information — such as a driver’s license or social security number — to give out quotes.
This list is free and there is no limit to how many times a person can go through the questions and change the desired coverage answers to see how it makes the final price fluctuate. After finishing the questions, a list of at least four quotes will be available for comparison. Consumers can review the quotes and companies at their own pace and when ready they can purchase their chosen policy from the list on the Internet.
When to Compare
This list is free and there is no limit to how many times a person can go through the questions and change the desired coverage answers to see how it makes the final price fluctuate. After finishing the questions, a list of at least four quotes will be available for comparison. Consumers can review the quotes and companies at their own pace and when ready they can purchase their chosen policy from the list on the Internet.
When to Compare
There are plenty of times when a policyholder should compare multiple auto insurance quotes to their current premium price. One time to evaluate is when the current carrier raises the policyholder’s price because it was a company-wide price hike. Carriers will do this if they see they paid out an unusually high number of claims and their profit margin is down. Another time to be open minded about another company is when you hear about another person paying less for their protection than you are. Keep in mind though that their price is also based on their coverage amounts and driving record, and you may not be exactly the same.
When any driver has been able to clean up their driving record, they should make sure their current carrier responds by lowering rates. A smart driver will gather quotes from other insurers and upon finding a lower price, go to their current insurer and tell them about the cheaper price. Hopefully the current insurer will honor it and reduce the premium further.
The best time to compare quotes is when you’re looking to save money. Calling the current insurer and asking for a lower price isn’t usually effective, but looking at what’s available from other companies will help save money.
When any driver has been able to clean up their driving record, they should make sure their current carrier responds by lowering rates. A smart driver will gather quotes from other insurers and upon finding a lower price, go to their current insurer and tell them about the cheaper price. Hopefully the current insurer will honor it and reduce the premium further.
The best time to compare quotes is when you’re looking to save money. Calling the current insurer and asking for a lower price isn’t usually effective, but looking at what’s available from other companies will help save money.
Where can you conduct a comparison of free auto insurance quotes? Right here with us! As noted earlier in the “What is the process?” section, it’s complimentary and uncomplicated to examine quotes using our system. Start on our Home Page or anywhere else on our site that has a box labeled “Zip Code” and the procedure will go from there. We provide quotes from popular and top companies such as Progressive, Access Insurance Company, Explorer, and Infinity, among others.
The main purpose of comparing quotes is to save cash and time. In only a few minutes, anyone can be given a number of quotes from a number of companies, compared to spending hours traveling to and from or calling individual agencies and asking what prices they offer. When you use our site, you answer one set of questions instead of asking or answering the same questions many times from each individual agent. There is no hassle with traffic or paying for gas when you go about this online.
Saving money in today’s economy is on most consumers’ minds. Not only will you save gas by not driving around or using cell phone minutes, but you can see the differences in price as they sit side by side for your review. Then, you can purchase the policy online, for free, all without having to change out of your pajamas and leave your house.
Saving money in today’s economy is on most consumers’ minds. Not only will you save gas by not driving around or using cell phone minutes, but you can see the differences in price as they sit side by side for your review. Then, you can purchase the policy online, for free, all without having to change out of your pajamas and leave your house.
How Should You Compare Auto Insurance Quotes?

Get the Best Price
Any savvy shopper can confirm that the only way to get the best and lowest price for a product is to look around at what all of the companies are offering. Whether the consumer is comparing grocery expenses or insurance prices, they know there is more than one company offering this very same product out there. Because companies are competing to get the business of all consumers who desire the product, they will do whatever they can to take hold of the consumer and get their business to make a profit. With today’s economy on the fringe and people tightening their “money belts,” companies know the best way to lure someone in is with a low price through their radio and television advertisements, as well as these claims displayed on large billboard and magazine ads.
Getting the best price doesn’t just mean being offered the company’s lowest price available, but it means being offered the lowest price for the desired coverage from any company. Take for instance the example of Driver A, who has been with the same auto insurer for years and has seen a gradual increase in his premiums over the years for the basic coverage he carries. His friend is paying for the same coverage with another company, and he decides to check them out and gives them a call. It turns out that for the same coverage he is already paying for with his current insurer, this new insurer could save him 10%. Driver A wouldn’t have known this if he hadn’t compared his rates.
Find More Coverage
Getting the best price doesn’t just mean being offered the company’s lowest price available, but it means being offered the lowest price for the desired coverage from any company. Take for instance the example of Driver A, who has been with the same auto insurer for years and has seen a gradual increase in his premiums over the years for the basic coverage he carries. His friend is paying for the same coverage with another company, and he decides to check them out and gives them a call. It turns out that for the same coverage he is already paying for with his current insurer, this new insurer could save him 10%. Driver A wouldn’t have known this if he hadn’t compared his rates.
Find More Coverage
Typically all insurance companies offer the same types of coverage, but occasionally some insurance agencies provide more protection within their terms of use than other companies, or the price of their options can be less when compared to others. If drivers are basing their insurance coverage off of a certain budget amount, it would be understandable that the driver wants as much coverage for that price. To make sure this is true in that driver’s situation, she would need shop around to see what she could get from other companies with her budget.
A more specific example would be she takes her budget and makes a realistic hope to purchase the state requirements of bodily injury and property damage liabilities, as well as comprehension and collision and uninsured motorist coverage too. Auto insurance company “A” could only provide her with the state requirements and comprehensive and collision to fit in her budget, while company “B” could provide all the coverage she desires and not go over her budget. For this case, both companies had the same conditions in their terms of coverage, so it was an easy choice for her to choose which company to go with. Had the terms of coverage varied from each other — i.e. comprehensive coverage was different in company “A” compared to company “B” — this driver would have to consider which coverage she would want versus how much she was willing to pay.
Better Customer Service
A more specific example would be she takes her budget and makes a realistic hope to purchase the state requirements of bodily injury and property damage liabilities, as well as comprehension and collision and uninsured motorist coverage too. Auto insurance company “A” could only provide her with the state requirements and comprehensive and collision to fit in her budget, while company “B” could provide all the coverage she desires and not go over her budget. For this case, both companies had the same conditions in their terms of coverage, so it was an easy choice for her to choose which company to go with. Had the terms of coverage varied from each other — i.e. comprehensive coverage was different in company “A” compared to company “B” — this driver would have to consider which coverage she would want versus how much she was willing to pay.
Better Customer Service
This reason isn’t always the most popular when wondering why one should compare auto insurance quotes, especially since normally a driver doesn’t need to speak with any of the representatives to get an accurate quote comparison. However, the level of customer service could be a deciding factor between companies offering the same price.
When a driver has been working hard to look at all aspects of insurance carriers’ quotes, they often take other things (besides price) into consideration when making their final decision. The top carriers usually offer similar services and coverage, so it may take something else to help the driver know who to choose. A quick phone call to every insurer that provided a quote will help get a better idea of how well the customer service department works. A polite, knowledgeable staff will be better to work with when filing a future claim or when a policyholder has a question about their policy. Allow the representative to demonstrate how much they know and pay attention to their attitude towards the potential customer. Do they seem irritated by the questions? Are they hurried and trying to get the customer off of the phone? Do they speak calmly with manners?
Additional Benefits
When a driver has been working hard to look at all aspects of insurance carriers’ quotes, they often take other things (besides price) into consideration when making their final decision. The top carriers usually offer similar services and coverage, so it may take something else to help the driver know who to choose. A quick phone call to every insurer that provided a quote will help get a better idea of how well the customer service department works. A polite, knowledgeable staff will be better to work with when filing a future claim or when a policyholder has a question about their policy. Allow the representative to demonstrate how much they know and pay attention to their attitude towards the potential customer. Do they seem irritated by the questions? Are they hurried and trying to get the customer off of the phone? Do they speak calmly with manners?
Additional Benefits
In addition to the customer service provided, other benefits for policyholders can help in comparing car insurance rates. So many agencies have their own Websites now, where bills can be paid online and questions answered without having to speak to a person, at any time of the day or night. Also, check to see if they offer any special discounts that are applicable to the policyholder or other members of the policy, which can help keep prices low. Conveniences such as these could help a person choose which company and quote to purchase.
Knowing the financial stability of an insurer can help predict their ability to pay out any future claims. Check with A.M. Best for a third-party’s knowledge of the company’s financial situation to better choose which quote to purchase.
Knowing the financial stability of an insurer can help predict their ability to pay out any future claims. Check with A.M. Best for a third-party’s knowledge of the company’s financial situation to better choose which quote to purchase.
Information on Low Cost Auto Insurance

If you can push aside the frustration for a bit longer, we can provide some insight on how to find that low cost insurance. And, if you don’t qualify for cheap auto insurance for one reason or another, we can show you a few discounts you might be able to apply towards your policy cost.
Comparing Companies Will Help You Find Low Cost Auto Insurance
Comparison shopping, no matter what the product may be, always helps consumers find their product for the cheapest available price. Wouldn’t you shop at the store who offers the lowest price? Most consumers would say yes, of course. The same applies to auto insurance. Although it’s not a physical product, it is a service that protects you and your vehicle from damage or replacement expenses.
Most auto insurance companies will offer the same types of coverage options to purchase for your auto insurance policy, and most of them come with the same terms and conditions. By doing a thorough comparison, you can find the differences, if there are any, and then look at the prices of those same options. There’s no doubt if you find the same coverage option for a cheaper price, you’re going to pick the company who offers the cheapest price.
The most convenient way for you to compare auto insurance companies is by using our site. On our Homepage, simply enter in your zip code and complete the list of questions. We will send you a list of auto insurance companies and their price quotes for a policy, which you can take and decide which one to purchase. There’s no obligation to purchase, nor are there any fees to use our service, so there’s really no harm in using our comparison service.
A Clean Record Will Get You Low Cost Auto Insurance
Most auto insurance companies will offer the same types of coverage options to purchase for your auto insurance policy, and most of them come with the same terms and conditions. By doing a thorough comparison, you can find the differences, if there are any, and then look at the prices of those same options. There’s no doubt if you find the same coverage option for a cheaper price, you’re going to pick the company who offers the cheapest price.
The most convenient way for you to compare auto insurance companies is by using our site. On our Homepage, simply enter in your zip code and complete the list of questions. We will send you a list of auto insurance companies and their price quotes for a policy, which you can take and decide which one to purchase. There’s no obligation to purchase, nor are there any fees to use our service, so there’s really no harm in using our comparison service.
A Clean Record Will Get You Low Cost Auto Insurance
Drivers who are beginning their descent into the realities of auto insurance have a bit of an advantage over those who are experienced drivers and have already tainted their driving record. You will find that drivers who have no traffic incidents — tickets or accidents — on their driving record will be paying far less for their auto insurance compared to those drivers who do have traffic incidents on their record. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Auto insurance companies obviously charge the latter group of drivers a higher rate because they file more claims and cause the insurance company to pay out more money than the first group of drivers with no incidents.
Auto insurance companies assign a level of risk to all drivers. This level of risk reflects the chances that driver is going to file a claim, and the higher the risk, the higher the premium.
If you have received tickets or have been involved in accidents, you have already seen your rates rise. To get them back down again, you will need to work on not getting any further incidents on your record so you can lower your level of risk with the insurance company. Driving cautiously and being aware of your surroundings (including the speed limit and stop signs) will help you keep your driving record clean and get low auto insurance rates.
The Vehicle You Drive Can Be Used To Your Advantage (or Disadvantage)
Auto insurance companies assign a level of risk to all drivers. This level of risk reflects the chances that driver is going to file a claim, and the higher the risk, the higher the premium.
If you have received tickets or have been involved in accidents, you have already seen your rates rise. To get them back down again, you will need to work on not getting any further incidents on your record so you can lower your level of risk with the insurance company. Driving cautiously and being aware of your surroundings (including the speed limit and stop signs) will help you keep your driving record clean and get low auto insurance rates.
The Vehicle You Drive Can Be Used To Your Advantage (or Disadvantage)
Were you aware your vehicle assists in determining the cost of your auto insurance? There are a few things to know that can help you use your vehicle to get low cost auto insurance. You can apply this knowledge as you purchase your next vehicle. First, a car that has safety features will get a cheaper premium cost. How many airbags does your vehicle have? Is it equipped with a car alarm? What other safety mechanisms are in included with the car? Letting your insurer know these things will lower the cost of your policy.
Second, a car that is brand new is much more expensive to insure than a car that isn’t brand new. The cost to repair or replace a new car is very expensive for an auto insurer, and therefore they will charge more to insure such a vehicle. Also, on an older car, you may not need to carry options like comprehensive or collision because the cash value of the car isn’t worth the cost of that insurance. With a new car, you would absolutely need to pay for comprehensive and collision coverage.
Third, the type of vehicle you drive factors into your premium cost. It is definitely more expensive to insure a fast sports car than it is to insure a typical four-door sedan. Cars that have the ability to drive fast are usually driven fast and sometimes are then involved in traffic incidents. Auto insurers charge higher rates to drive these cars because the level of risk is increased.
Your Personal Statistics Affect Your Cost
Second, a car that is brand new is much more expensive to insure than a car that isn’t brand new. The cost to repair or replace a new car is very expensive for an auto insurer, and therefore they will charge more to insure such a vehicle. Also, on an older car, you may not need to carry options like comprehensive or collision because the cash value of the car isn’t worth the cost of that insurance. With a new car, you would absolutely need to pay for comprehensive and collision coverage.
Third, the type of vehicle you drive factors into your premium cost. It is definitely more expensive to insure a fast sports car than it is to insure a typical four-door sedan. Cars that have the ability to drive fast are usually driven fast and sometimes are then involved in traffic incidents. Auto insurers charge higher rates to drive these cars because the level of risk is increased.
Your Personal Statistics Affect Your Cost
There isn’t much that drivers can do to change these things, but knowing these factors affect your auto insurance cost can help a driver figure out why their insurance may cost more than someone else’s. Young male drivers are statistically less cautious than young female drivers, which leaves young male drivers paying more for their auto insurance. However, the older a driver gets, the more responsible they are thought to be and their insurance cost decreases. Married drivers are charged less for auto insurance compared to their single peers, mostly because married drivers drive more cautiously with their spouse present in the car.
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