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Husband Of The Year Award

Everyone of us receive fun stuffs now and then as an email forward from friends or we sometimes notice them in blog posts. Here we make an attempt to scour the net and bring to you the best of these stuffs on a regular basis.

Husband Of The Year Award
The honorable mention goes to :

The United Kingdom

...followed closely by
The United States of America

And then ............ .... Poland

But 3rd Place must go to



It was very very close

But the runner up prize

Was awarded to....

............ . Serbia

But the winner of the

Husband/partner of the year

........... Ireland

Ya gotta love the Irish.

The Irish are true romantics.look, he's even

Holding her hand..

Woman has Man in it;

Mrs. Has Mr . In it;

Female has Male in it;

She has He in it;

Madam has Adam in it;

Remember You Don't Stop Laughing Because You Grow


You Grow Old Because You Stop Laughing

by Pramod Das

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