The kettle doesn’t discriminate against loose-leaf, teabags and compressed-tea, tea drinkers’ coz its co

This is how the kettle works:
Add the loose tealeaves to the glass container and pop the cap on it and load it into the water filled kettle. Place your turtle kettle on the stove, set the timer on the cap, and wait for the ring. The glass container has very small machined holes so that the tea can be infused properly without moving about in the water. So after when you pour your tea to drink it, you won’t be sucking in the bits of tea leaves.
To boil water simply slap on the cap without plugging in the glass container and wait for the whistle to sound.
Made from ceramic, the kettle features a side window that lets you keep a check on the water levels of the container. The handle and timer cap is made out of a heat resistant phenolic plastic, making them easy to handle when hot.

Qatar Airways took home the airline award for Best Economy Class in the Middle East at a ceremony for travel industry professionals held in Dubai.Readers of the monthly Business Traveller Middle East magazine voted the Doha-based airline as having the most comfortable cabin and best inflight service for passengers travelling in Economy.The win comes just weeks after Qatar Airways earned the title of Best Economy Class in the world at the annual Skytrax passenger survey awards in Germany.The latest accolade recognises the airline’s continued commitment to offering the travelling public with unrivalled levels of inflight service.Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said: “Most airlines invest heavily in developing their premium cabins and, while we continue to do this, Qatar Airways strives to innovate in Economy Class ensuring our high standards are maintained and passenger expectations are exceeded worldwide.” Qatar Airways recently revamped its Economy Class inflight-service, which sees all onboard meals served in a more upmarket, appetising and stylish way, aimed at enhancing passengers’ overall flying experience. New-look colourful meal tray components offer Economy Class passengers a whole new take on food presentation, guiding them on a wonderful culinary journey.Qatar Airways currently operates a modern fleet of 68 Airbus and Boeing aircraft to 84 key business and leisure destinations across Europe, Middle East, Africa, South Asia, Far East and North America.Over the next 10 months, Qatar Airways will add six new routes to its burgeoning network – Goa and Amritsar in India; Sydney and Melbourne in Australia marking its first foray Down Under; and two further cities in Europe.

1. Keep your cool
No one's exactly thrilled to hear that their union "isn't working out," but giving into your anger won't pay in the long run. You can trust that there are two uncomfortable sides to this conversation. If your partner is worth missing, it hurts them, too. And if they aren't, then they're hardly worth a scene you'll regret later. Shouting and name calling will only reinforce their decision. It's possible that your feelings aren't the only things that are hurting, but try not to let your pride cloud your judgment. Your partner's decision to walk away isn't a reflection on you but how you handle the scenario is. As difficult or unfair as your partner may be at the moment, the two of you did choose to share something of yourselves. Don't let an ugly breakup deprive you of fond memories for the future.
2. Get answers (but don't expect satisfaction)
If you're up for it, now is the time to collect the explanation you'll need for closure. Communication can become muddled and unpredictable after a breakup, and most of us need a little information before we can close the book on a relationship. It's especially important if your ex-partner didn't have the decency to face you in person. Ask (carefully and in a non-accusatory tone) what has changed and why they aren't happy. When the irons have cooled, your previous lovers answers could prove useful, especially if it's clear their dissatisfaction has sources over which you have no control. Plus, you'll have your chance to make your own position known (in a civil and rational way you'll want to remember later). Of course, if you're not up for a re-hash of old hurts, feel free to keep it short and simple. Let's face it - some things are better left unheard.
If you're the one breaking up, have the decency to do it face-to-face (no emails or text messages) and be open to answering any questions with honesty, respect and compassion.
If you're the one breaking up, have the decency to do it face-to-face (no emails or text messages) and be open to answering any questions with honesty, respect and compassion.
3. Believe its best
It isn't lip service. If your partner is throwing in the towel, you don't want to be in that match anymore. A relationship weighed down by resentment or uncertainty has no value to you. At best, staying together now would only mean a few months of uncomfortable uncertainty, followed by a breakup further down the line. You run the risk of further alienating each other, and are less likely to be amicable later. Not to mention there's a lot of satisfaction in revenge - especially when it comes in the form of a life well-lived.
4, Concentrate on the positive
Seriously. Don't get so hung up on what you're losing that you lose sight of what you have to gain. Take advantage of your newly earned free time to return to yourself. See the friends your partner didn't like, watch the movies that made them yawn and go to all the places you love that they didn't. A little proactive flirting and indulgence is the perfect therapy to remind you of how desirable you are and what is no longer off-limits.
5. Make a clean break
Walk away now, and don't look back. Asking your ex questions is one thing. Arguing your case is another. The moment they announce they're finished trying, they've lost the right to your energy. If you hope to get back together, being apart (and happy) is the best course of action to begin. If you want to tackle the friendship thing, give it time first. The easiest way to sabotage a post-breakup friendship is to try too soon. Give it a few months. Then take it slowly.

Is there anything worse than waking up one morning only to discover that your lover just up and left? Perhaps they even stooped as low as leaving you with nothing more than a crummy post-it note, blubbering voice mail - or gasp - a two-word text. One day they were there and the next they weren't, leaving you wondering if the relationship ever existed in the first place. But something had to have happened, right? You must've done something wrong to warrant such an outcome. Or could it be possible, that they left because of nothing at all.
Why, why, why?
So, now that they're gone, there are likely many questions that need answering. Should you have known? Did you miss out on a shift in behavior? When faced with questions about the future, the same future you once aligned on as a duo, their more recent responses were a less than lusty, "I don't know."Sometimes, in the thick of a relationship, you might feel like someone went from all to nothing overnight, when in fact, they might have been dropping subtle clues along the way - hints, that you may not have been ready to accept as fact. Or could it be that their coping skills just stink? Crisis can be an almost instant sanity check on the sustainability factor in a relationship. Like when they leave you after you lose your job, or a parent gets sick.
It's not you; it's me
The bizarre nature of your situation could provoke you to start sleuthing like a modern day Sherlock Holmes… But what if, after you've done the diligence, you have still been unable to dig up any good explanation for why your mate left. Could it be that there are none to be found? Experts confirm that there is in fact a "type" that seeks out exclusive relationships with no intention of taking them beyond the initial state of commitment, leaving you wondering, why? The serial monogamists of our world (those engaging in committed exclusive relationships for anywhere from 2-12 months), may simply crave nothing more than the intoxicating thrill that is felt most intensely during the initial stages of a relationship.
Get past the why
At a certain point, when you have rehashed the multitude of potential explanations as to why your lover may have left, eventually, all of the "whys?" need to slide to the side to make room for the I. It's time to choose yourself over the person that passed up the opportunity to know you for the long haul. The reality is, until that happens you are cluttering up your world so much so that you're not leaving any room to find that special person that won't run for the hills when you need them the most. Everybody deserves that chance to find someone who will know, without a doubt, that you're the one. In order to live a happy and fulfilling life, we can only give up a fraction of our time to looking back, without hampering our chances for moving forward. If you spend all of your days dissecting the past, you'll miss out on the opportunity to discover what the future holds. The best thing we can do to restore harmony from the fallout of an AWOL lover, is to release our need to know why.As upsetting as it may be, knowing why will not change the fact that someone that you loved dearly, left. So move forward, with your head held high, because you're the type of person that would know better than to do what they did, and you deserve someone that sees the possibility of the future in the same way that you do. Good luck!
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